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Advanced Video Tutorials?


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First, I've been a Formidable Pro user for several years, and love it.
But, I would like to start building more advanced applications and business solutions.

I'm looking for some detailed video tutorials that show you how to build a complete application.

For Example:

Building a fully-functional business directory with Formidable Pro, AND make it all look good.
Building a user-driven content site, with security and best practices.
How to integrate Formidable Pro with BuddyPress User Profiles.
How to integrate all the "Hooks" listed on the site.
How to use each of the form features and each setting. I'm pretty tired of having to guess how to do everything.
Every field has tons of settings and ways to make it look and do different things. We need to get a little video tutorial about each item.

The tutorials on the website and YouTube are so basic.

It's time for Formidable, to step up, and create some GOOD advanced tutorials. So, us mere mortals can fully utilize the power of Formidable Pro.


Hi Daniel, I agree with you, we need more advanced tutorials.

I agree with Daniel, that would be awesome to have access to such videos to reduce guesswork.

Additionally that would save tons of tickets for formidable support team  :)


Yes We need advanced videos about tips and tricks for formidable pro. I have no problems if this video just for those who have active Small business and Enterprise license.

Or maybe someone who is expert in FP can produce such videos and sell (subscription) those videos.




Advance video tutorials will be perfect. It will give us alot of hedge

I wouldn't mind doing this if I knew I could get some residual income out of it. How much would people be willing to pay for a thing like this? I usually accomplish everything I need without touching a line of PHP. Formidable has the capability to provide that flexibility. I do find that you do need to know at least how to dabble in HTML, CSS, JQuery, and JS. It's also helpful if you at least understand the concepts of coding and databases.

I'm really disappointed in the total lack of decent tutorials and examples both for Formidable and for WooCommerce.

I'm pretty competent in HTML, CSS, and PHP, and I chose Formidable in the expectation that some kind of intelligible examples at least would be available from the company or from the community - but all I can find are people (often people who cannot spell, or whose sites are full of 404s, as above) who want to sell pretty meagre offerings. And they're not even end-to-end - they start in the middle and stop in the middle.

So, between people teasing us with 'you can have the code for this if you pay me' and others saying 'I'll do this if you pay me upfront, honest I will', I think it's a pretty poor show.



Discussion closed.