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Airport Lookup with Formidable


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Has anyone created an Airport Lookup system with FormidablePro?

I'm currently working a project for a client that does a lot of business from Airport to Airport. We're looking at creating a quoting system, where a user would enter their origin Airport, then the destination Airport for custom quotes.

Ideally, I'd like to use Lookup fields for this purpose. I imagine I'd have to import a data table with all airports, 4-letter airport codes, etc, which I already have.

My questions are:

  • Has anyone else done this before?
  • How hard is it going to be to get the lookup field using these? (create views, etc)
  • Is a table with 12,000 records going to be too intensive on the database, going through the Formidable system?

We already use this setup on an old asp driven site, but trying to convert everything to WP and Formidable.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you may suggest.


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