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Bug in frm_entries_footer_scripts hook


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I added the following code:

add_action('frm_entries_footer_scripts', 'set_custom_limit', 20, 2);

function set_custom_limit($fields, $form){



    /* transform capatilize */

    $('.frm_capitalize input[type="text"]').change(function(){

    var val1 = $(this).val();

    $(this).val(val1.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val1.slice(1));





and getting the error right above the same script:

<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: fields in <b>F:xampphtdocsprojectwp-contentpluginsformidableclassesviewsfrm-entriesform.php</b> on line <b>79</b>

Discussion closed.