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Button for editlink


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I a  using the editlink shortcode to be able to edit an entry. Standard, a clickable text is shown. Instead, I want to use a clickable button. How can this be achieved? Thanks in advance.


Formatting a button is done through CSS. You can use the .frm_edit_link and apply css like this:

.frm_edit_link {
background-color: red;
color: white;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 10px 20px;


Since I'm no programmer, I've looked for another solution.

I've uses the Shortcodes Ultimate plugin and included the following in my view:

[su_button url="[domain]/[post]/?frm_action=edit&entry=[id]" background="#008000" color="#ffffff" size="1"]Wijzig[/su_button]

Thanks anyway for your response.


Discussion closed.