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Button redirects to a white page


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I have created forms using Formidable forms. I have transferred the site with OVH (the domain name has changed), and now the forms don't work anymore : when I click on the button, it doesn't display anymore the success message, instead it redirects to a white page.

Before I migrate my site it used to work correctly.

Here's the site:, you can test with the first form on the top.

When I test on a private navigation with my browser, it displays "HTTP ERROR 500".


Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks very much




Je n'avais pas eu d'errreur.
Tu l'as fixé je crois!

Oui effectivement je l'ai corrigé et j'ai oublié de fermer le ticket.

Merci beaucoup quand même !


Discussion closed.