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Calculate Multiple Totals of Field Results


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Since I couldn't figure out how to do this any other way, I thought I would include my method for others to benefit from.

Or perhaps there is a way and I'm just not seeing it.

My need: I needed to not only display totals based on form responses, but also do calculations against those totals.


My issues:

  • You must include a valid field id or key in your stats shortcode.
    would only return a count out a single field where the results were "Blah Blah". I was unable to then manipulate that count adding it to other totals, etc.
  • The new addition of Field Calculations only works inside a form, and I needed to calculate data outside of the forms, in a Page or Post.

My method:

Using WordPress Plugin Shortcode Exec PHP:


For example, I created the following shortcodes: (291 and 296 are the field IDs.)


$pending=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(296, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Pending', $round=1);
$edits=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(296, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Edits Needed', $round=1);



$pending=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(296, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Pending', $round=1);
$edits=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(296, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Edits Needed', $round=1);



$private=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(191, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Sub Private', $round=1);
$public=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(191, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Sub Public', $round=1);
$pending=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(296, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Pending', $round=1);
$edits=FrmProFieldsHelper::get_field_stats(296, 'count', $user_id=false, $value='Edits Needed', $round=1);



On the page, I can now use:


<h4>There are currently [subtotals] Sub-Private and Sub-Public articles in CTMS, but only [petotals] articles in the Tier I/II Tracking Data that are incomplete. This number should roughly match. This means there are currently [calctotal] articles unaccounted for.</h4>


Which results in, all nicely formatted:

There are currently 76 Sub-Private and Sub-Public articles in CTMS, but only 40 articles in the Tier I/II Tracking Data that are incomplete. This number should roughly match. This means there are currently 36 articles unaccounted for.


Hopefully that is helpful to others.

Thank you for a great tip! I was getting exactly the same error message and was able to overcome it and complete all my calculations using your suggestion above!

Discussion closed.