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Calculation not working


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I have an order form for apparel.  I've got a field at the end calculating the total of the order - but, for some reason I can't put the formula in that I want - every time I try to put in a formula that multiplies the quantity by the price - it reverts back to the initial simple addition formula.

This is the simple addition formula: [93]+[128]+[98]+[129]+[101]+[105]+[131]+[107]+[110]+[113]+[135]+[116]+[136]+[119]+[137]+[122]

This is what I want it to be:

some of the fields are conditional, they only show up if someone selects an item - I thought that was an issue, but when I tried to just multiply two fields that aren't conditional - it still reverts back to the simple addition formula.
If I set it to multiply a field by a number - that calculation will be saved.  Is it not possible to multiply one field by another field?
Any help would be much appreciated.

I don't know why, but it is working now.  I copied and pasted that formula 5 times and tried several different ways and it kept reverting back to the simple addition and then somehow one last time seemed to have worked.



Discussion closed.