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Calculations With LookUp Fields


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Hello, i am trying to create a shift pattern form that allows me to calculate values based on the size of the shift pattern and how many hours are worked each day, week and cycle.

I currently have 2 x forms ( Add Shifts ) + ( Shift Builder )

Add Shifts form allows me to input fields such as start time, break times, finish times and shift length.

Shift Builder form allows me to select the amount of weeks required for the shift cycle which populates correctly depending on the requirement with logic.

I am trying to achieve the following, for example:

week1 fields - sun1, mon1, tue1, wed1, thu1, fri1, sat1 and also w1total

Sun1-Sat1 i have the field parameters set to dynamically retrieve values from a lookup field - get value from Add Shifts - Shift Length and the watch out selection is set for the respective day.

Sun1-Sat1 - I am able to select from a dropdown field the shifts entered in ( Add Shift Form ) which works fine.

w1total also generates the correct total for all values linked to the shift length using the calculation from fields  keys[jop0o]+[aat4v]+[uaerm]+[pipvx]+[m13k2]+[w7enn]+[s7aok]

The issue is when i advance to week 2 and thereafter the calculations do not work correctly. I thought that providing the key for the respective fields are inserted with the operator + between each of the 7 keys then this would obviously generate a total for that row.

I am getting the following week 2 total - 3655 when the total hours was around the 59 mark. Is the calculations, calculating incorrectly from elsewhere.


Regards Chris

I'm having difficulty understanding this problem without visuals as a guide. How are you advancing to Week2? Is this a new form entry or is this on the same entry as Week1. That's the part where I'm getting lost. Do you have any way of posting screen print or a short screen capture video so we can see the actual problem to gain a better understanding?

Hello Victor, i believe i have managed to resolve this as you replied. Not sure what the issue was even though i have double checked my settings. I have started a new form and my calculations seem to be working as they should now. Thanks for the reply

Regards Chris

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