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Calendar display and selection
Hi - I'm looking to integrate a calendar into a form. Basically the user can enquire about dates that are still available (it's a room for hire) so I need to be able to block out dates that have been taken by others and are no longer free. I also want to display a calendar view separately showing a range of months to show but the available dates need to match up with the ones in the contact form. Hope that makes sense- I've attached a screen grab of something similar to show what I mean. Does anyone know if this is possible with Formidable Forms and if so how to do it/how complicated it is?
Thanks in advance, Tom
November 2, 2017 at 7:43 am
In a perfect world this all gets automated, but in reality, that doesn't always become the case. I would build a view from your form with a "calendar" display type.
You would create your form with the particulars you require. On that form you could add a drop-down or radio that says "booked" and "unbooked". This would be a conditional you would add that would either show the entry or not.
So your looking at something like [if 319 equals="booked"]<a href="[detaillink]">[571]</a><br/>[/if 319]
The not so exact demo that you might use as your template can be seen here ->
November 3, 2017 at 4:41 pm
Thanks, Bobby
I'll try and get some time to give that a go next week and see if I can get it working. I've never used the calendar part of formidable before so it should be educational at least. The help is much appreciated - thanks, Tom
Discussion closed.