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Can you sequentially number form submissions


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I am hoping to number for submissions sequentially so that I can send odd numbered submission to one email address and the even numbered submission to another email address.
Is this possible to do?

Yes. You can  create an auto-increment field. Look for auto increment on  this page for usage:

Thank you Victor.
I thought this would work but there is not an even/odd choice within the conditionals. Do you have a suggestion as how I could send alternate the sending of the notification emails to two different email addresses?
submission 1 - notification goes to emailaddress1
submission 2 - notification goes to email address2
submission3 - notification goes to emailaddress1

I thought I could put in a conditional if Field is odd send notification (addressed to email1)
if even send notification

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I would use the frm_to_email hook and write custom PHP to handle the routing.


Thank you

Discussion closed.