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Close the form after a certain amount of tickets are sold
Hi, i've made a simple form where people can make ticket reservations for an event. Which is working nicely.
I've limited the total amount of entries via a code snippet in the functions.php to 200.
But since people can reserve multiple tickets per submission (simple number field), this would ultimately lead to more reserved tickets than are available.
How can i close the form after the total ticket amount from all the entries has reached 200?
October 12, 2017 at 3:54 pm
Hi Chris.
This might be what you're looking for:
It may need a bit of adjustment to work exactly as you need but the concept sounds like it might be what you need.
October 12, 2017 at 5:22 pm
i think that's not exactly what i need. i need something that's way simpler actually. I have a ticket field, where people can enter any number of tickets they want to reserve, there is no payment involved at the moment.
So formidable simply needs to calculate the sum of all the values in the ticket field of all the entries and shut the form down when it reaches 200.
would that be possible?
October 12, 2017 at 9:39 pm
Hi Chris,
Yes i think it's possible.
I haven't tried it but part of the method described in the link above sounds like it might do that what you need.
This is the part that sounds like it might suit your needs:
Have a Single Line Text field for the current number of tickets sold
Set to Visibility -> Admin or a Hidden field
Set default value to a stats code that gets the ticket total
General suggestion: [frm-stats id=20 type=total 25="paid"]
20 is the id of the field where the user chooses the number of tickets (or use this field's ID if only one ticket is sold per form and there's no ticket number field)
25 is the payment status field
Obviously you don't need to worry about checking to see if another field is marked as paid or not which is why i said in my original reply that it will need a bit of adjusting but the concept is there.
See if that works for you.
Discussion closed.