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Compare field with a value


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Instead of comparing two field together using the above, I would like to compare it with a value. Using the above example, value in [391] is Silver.

so I changed it to

but it didnt work.thx for any help

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opps sorry.
[frm-condition source=frm-field-value field_id=391 entry=[id] equals="[390]"]your content here[/frm-condition]
Instead of comparing two field together using the above, I would like to compare it with a value. Using the above example, value in [391] is Silver.

so I changed it to [frm-condition source=frm-field-value field_id=391 entry=[id] equals="Silver"]your content here[/frm-condition]

but it didnt work.thx for any help

When comparing against a fixed value, why wouldn't you just use IF instead of frm-condition?

[if 391 equals="Silver"]Conditional text here[/if 391]

yeah. that was my first option, but  IF  doesn't work on a page.

You didn't mention that this is on a page. I assumed a view. But since it's on a page, where is the entry id coming from? The [id] shortcode won't work on a page since a page without an entry doesn't have an ID.

Thankx for the reply Victor, Since  it won't work on a page  I've use a Javascript solution.

Discussion closed.