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Don't you need Custom Post Types?
Coming from Toolset, the first step prior to anything is creating your custom post types, where you add custom fields and then you create forms and views, but in FF, creating custom post types to create different kinds of content seems to be not mandatory and I'm a bit confused about this, because it seems that in FF everything can be done just by creating forms where you add fields and then create other forms with other fields which interact with each other forms using Dynamic and lookup Fields.
Yes, I see you can uses existing CPT in FF.
So, where are those FF form entries stored in FF? Do you need or don't you need then CPT in FF?
What are the advantages or disadvantages of using just FF forms vs the CPT way?
Can anyone explain this to me, because this is getting me nuts 🙁
October 3, 2018 at 11:27 pm
All entries are stored in the database and are accessible from the dashboard. You can also create a view and select the fields you want to show. You can change the content of these fields. There are also a multitude of hooks that allow FF to be able to carry out all kinds of projects. It's up to you to compare the differences between the free version and the Pro version. To date, there is no plugin form offering dynamic fields and most importantly, the famous Lookup fields, a revolution that allows you to manage data without going through a database language. There is no doubt, after installing Wordpress, install FF opens the doors to realize all your projects.
October 4, 2018 at 9:14 am
Hi Lamiki,
Yes I'm a bit confused, since I have developed some apps in Toolset and the very first things was to create Custom Post Types and as understand in FF is the other way around.
So If understand correctly, FF does not need the use of Custom Post Types, so you can just create straight Forms, add form fields (which are actually the fields) to those forms and then do all kind of things with those forms and fields within FF.
The other Wordpress plugins to build web apps I have used like Toolset and need Custom Post Types to do their job.
So what about CPT Taxonomies? What is the equivalent in FF?
October 4, 2018 at 10:00 pm
Hey Mario.
I have a couple of blog posts on this topic (which I've also shared here in the tips and tricks section)
Creating the Custom Post type (using CPTUI and ACF):
Using Formidable to create and populate new custom posts with data
Hope that helps.
October 5, 2018 at 6:32 am
Forget CPTs and the tools you previously used. Professional form builders are an entirely different breed of application. Comparing them against Toolset and Metabox is comparing apples to oranges.
Forms built in Formidable are inserted into posts or pages using shortcodes. The posts can be any type, CPTs included if you so choose. Taxonomies are handled through WordPress just as you would with any post. If you want to use CPTs, you have to create them outside of Formidable.
Formidable can be configured to save form entries as posts as well. The posts are linked to the form form entry. Delete the form entry and the post is also deleted.
Discussion closed.