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Dynamic Slider Value


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Hi there,

is there a way to use a slider value, let's say the number 10000, and use that value in another slider as the maximum range? Tried a few things, no luck.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

I can't envision the flow of your design. Maybe this -

Thank you very much for your reply.

Here is the flow: Slider #1 is used to determine the estimated value of your property. Let's say $400,000. Slider #2 on the next page is using the value $400,000 as the maximum range, because Slider #2 determines the outstanding balance, which cannot (or should not) be higher than the estimated value.

I hope this helps.

Thanks again

At this point I don't know what the maximum value of slider 1 is. Once I do, what then determines the maximum value on slider 2 based on the value chosen in slider 1?

Let's say slider 1 is 0 to 1,000,000. If slider 2 is 0 to 2,000,000 by default, then we have something to work with. I can then say on change slider 1, set slider 2 minimum value to value selected in slider 1. However, if the maximum/minimum don't overlap just right, then it would not work.

Can you explain it further with that understanding?

Discussion closed.