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Dynamically compare FormA_FieldA with FormB_FieldB
How would I compare dynamically two form fields on different forms?
When completing Form A the unique Field A is created. How could I check if Field B (on Form B) is equal to FormA_FieldA?
February 26, 2019 at 1:15 pm
This isn't enough information to answer your question.
At what point in the process do you want to compare the fields? As data is entered into Form A on the front end? When Form A is saved and being validated? After the entry for Form A is created? Or something else?
Are Form A and Form B loaded on the same page at the same time? If Form A on the screen and Form B not displayed at all?
What content are you comparing? What is the field you want to compare on Form A? What is the the field you want to compare on Form B?
Are users logged in when they enter content on Form A? Is the content on Form B linked to a specific user, or is it general lookup content? If it's general lookup content, why aren't you using Form B in a lookup field on Form A? No comparison would be needed if you did since the source is already correct.
Please explain your requirements with more detail so we understand the problem you're trying to solve.
February 27, 2019 at 6:42 am
Thanks for the reply.
(1) I am entering some data on Form A (text) this is then loaded onto Form B as hidden lookup or dynamic field.
On Form B the user does enter into a new text field.
If the text field on Form B exists in the dynamic/lookup dropdown I would like to automatically enable a toggle (or show another section which is done by the toggle manually)
I (think) I have read all the documentation now and my conclusion is: javascript!
Discussion closed.