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Field update link in nested views
I am trying to create a form that allows users to update their entry, but before these updates are added to the website, they go through a round of administrator approval first. So rather than actually editing the entries directly, I've set it up so that users are sent to a separate form (form B), which copies the old values from their original entry (on form A), stores them and allows the user to enter new values. I then want administrators to see a view on the website that offers update links for each of the fields that have been edited (the update link would copy the 'new' values from form B to their corresponding fields on form A, thereby editing the entry).
So I started with this shortcode: [frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=141 value="[2403]" label="Publish new title" message="Updated"]
The problem is, the update link shortcode only shows up if all the fields specified are in the form that the view is showing entries for. So that shortcode doesn't work.
So then I instead created nested views - so I have a view in form A, which shows the following:
[frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=141 value=[display-frm-data id=18523 filter=limited] label="Publish new title" message="Updated"]
The second view (id 18523) shows entries from form B, and contains the following: "[2403]"
So together, I thought that these nested views should create a shortcode that displays the correct update link, with the new value from form B and the correct field ID etc for form A. But it doesn't work.
Is this possible? I've hit a dead end!
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