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Filter for Today's Date


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I have a form my clients fill out each day. I want a view that will show me just the entries from the current day. I have tried all versions of NOW and I can't get it to work. Anyone know how to do this?


Assuming "Entry Creation Date" is "equal to" NOW doesn't work, with no other filters,

Try this:

Add a function to your themes function file:

function displayTodaysDate( $atts )
return date(get_option('date_format'));
add_shortcode( 'datetoday', 'displayTodaysDate');

Create a link in your view in the Before Content section to the URL where your view is displayed. Add "?date=[datetoday]" to the end of the link.

Now in your view add a filter for "Entry Creation Date" is "equal to" [get param=date]. Unfortunately you will have to click the link. As you learn it you can manipulate the URL to get the results you want without clicking the link.

Note: You may have to play with the date format ->

Discussion closed.