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Formidable Chart/Graph not responive


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i'm using formidable chart/graph feature to display my data series but i notice that it isn't responsive.

Can some one tell me how fix this problem? it is incredible this missing of important feature.

charts/graphs are built with google chart api and all happen into this js file formidablepro.js where are declared this function: frmProFormJS().


hi fix the problem with this custom code:


if ($('.woocommerce-account #chart__frm_column1').length != '' ) {
// console.log('resize');
// console.log('frmProForm.js executed');



i have to insert also this function frmProForm.loadGoogle(); outside the resize function because some time the chart don't consider parent element width and it is showed 400px400px

[frm-graph fields="287,288,289,290" x_axis="created_at" created_at_greater_than="-1 year" group_by="day" type="column" data_type="average" user_id="current" show_key="1" legend_position="bottom" width="100%" height="600px" chart_area="width: 80%,height:500px" no_data="Non hai ancora compilato il questionario!"]

Discussion closed.