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Formidable forms and SmoothState js


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I'm fetching my pages via smoothState js - which uses ajax. So my website never refreshed and in someway becomes an SPA.

I have a problem with loading of Formidable forms javascript files. When I fetch and inject html, javascript does not load.

Is there some hook to reinit all js demanded by Formidable forms after my html was loaded by Ajax?




I like this topic. How we can use FF with a SPA or Js from the frontend. I recommend you to load FF scripts where you need it,  using something like a lazy load of the scripts or load it using ajax like in the next example from
url: '',
dataType: 'script',
cache: true, // or get new, fresh copy on every page load
success: function() {
// Callback
I hope this help you. I will write post for this topic.

Discussion closed.