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Formidable Forms Vulnerabilities
I recently told a friend proudly that I am using the fantastic Formidableforms. Later he sent me a link that really arised some fear 🙁
One of the pages of this search results was this on
So, how secure are these created forms ?
Thank you
March 7, 2018 at 9:38 am
Security is only as strong as your weakest link. If you have no security on your WordPress site, then you're likely at some point are going to have hackers hacking away at your site. If you don't have some kind of virus scanning and firewall plugin installed like WordFence (which by the way, I highly recommend) , block bad queries, double check when designing your forms for invalid values, etc., then you're likely have to potential issues with the security of your forms. In addition, securing forms based on users, roles, and visibility of form elements to only specific users, is of vital importance.
:Vaughn Bullard
March 7, 2018 at 12:53 pm
I've been using Formidable for a long time. In the two rare instances where security vulnerabilities were discovered, the Formidable development team responded within a day or two releasing patches to plug the holes. Formidable is a solid product backed by an extraordinary team of developers. You can have every confidence that you've chosen well.
March 7, 2018 at 1:35 pm
Thank you vaughnbullard and vfontjr
I myself haven't had any problems till now. Just have been reading all those anti formidable forms sites...
Discussion closed.