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frm_update_entry hook not working - version 2.03.04 pro


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I have the following code in my functions.php in my theme folder.  The function never gets called.  The frm_update_entry hook isn't working for me.  I am on version 2.03.04 pro.  The frm_email_message hook works fine though.  Why isn't frm_update_entry working and how can I get it to work?

function ga_save_form_values($values)
   mail('<my email address here>','form values', var_export($values,1));

add_filter('frm_update_entry', 'ga_save_form_values');


The only places in the code that I see that execute the frm_update_entry hook  are:



I am tracing the code and neither one of those are being called when I submit a form.



nevermind I'm guessing I was looking for frm_after_create_entry

Was actually frm_pre_create_entry

Discussion closed.