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FrmProDisplaysHelper.php Error after update


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I updated Fromidable this morning and now all the pages with a display show the same  syntax error: .../home/wp-content/plugins/formidable-pro/classes/helpers/FrmProDisplaysHelper.php on line 287

Any quick solution?

You have probably done it already - but if not - try clearing your cache - updates on my multiple web sites have worked fine. Also presume you are on php Ver 7 plus ?

Best wishes,


Since a few days I have the same error after submitting a form.

I've tried on multiple devices and browsers, but the form is not working (

I've even tried with all (but three) plugins deactivated, but still the same error is shown. Those three plugins active (besides Formidable) where two plugins for the Avada Theme and a SSL plugin.

Please help me

In the mean time, I've deinstalled FormidablePro 3.05 and installed 3.04.03. The problem doesn't happen there, so the problem must be in 3.05

Extra addition:

After updating my PHP from 5.xx to 7.0 and then updating Formidable Pro to version 3.05, the problem doesn't occur. My problem has been fixed.

Discussion closed.