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Get ID with KEY OR using KEYs instead of IDs for fields/forms OR just get


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I just wrote a simple function to get IDs of Form or Field, by using its KEYs.

I need this for my MU installation. Perhaps someone will need it too.

I found some posts and answers so I've took some of them and create this function.

It's really usefulĀ for MU installs.


 * Function to get ID of the Formidable form or field from form/field key
 * Source - (note that there is a typo in the example code - last ")" was missed)
 * @uses globals $frmdb, $wpdb
 * @param $form_or_field - string with two possible values: 'form' or 'field'
 * @param $key - string with key of the Formidable form or field
 * @return $id_from_key - numeric ID
function get_id_from_key_frm ( $form_or_field, $key ) { 
 global $frmdb, $wpdb;
 // Getting form ID using form_key
 if ( $form_or_field == 'form' && $key != '' ) {
 $id_from_key = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id from $frmdb->forms WHERE form_key = %s", $key));
 // Getting field ID using field_key
 } elseif ( $form_or_field == 'field' && $key != '' ) {
 $id_from_key = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id from $frmdb->fields WHERE field_key=%s", $key));
 if (is_numeric($id_from_key)){
 return $id_from_key;


Then you can use it in you theme or functions.php file like this:

$form_id = get_id_from_key_frm ( 'form', 'xxxxx' ); // change 'xxxxx' to the key of your form

$field_id = get_id_from_key_frm ( 'field', 'xxxxx' ); // change 'xxxxx' to the key of the field

Thanks for sharing!

Discussion closed.