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Hide submit button on conditional
This is my next fence to jump over.
I want to hide the submit button on conditional.
There is an example in the knowledgebase for an input of the term "red" into a field, but this hits not my intention.
I want to have the submit button displayed only in between two deadlines specified in two fields.
Conditional: Show the submit button when field"current date" is greater than field"start date" and field"current date" is less than field"end date". I played a little bit with the code in the knowledgebase but without a positive result.
Perhaps someone can help, thx in advance
January 13, 2018 at 9:35 am
You can use jQuery for this. Initially hide the button by creating a rule in style.css:
.frm_submit { display:none };
Then create a jQuery snippit that triggers on change for start and end dates, then shows the submit button when the conditions are met.
January 13, 2018 at 11:15 am
Hello Victor,
thx for your response and thx that you think I could do the snippet coding. That may be a nutshell for someone who works daily with that, but I have to learn from scatch and there is not so much time which I can effort for doing this.
If there is an example snippet yes I can use it with my dates or otherwise is there a possibility to buy a snippet like this?
Best regards, Godie
Discussion closed.