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Hiding a Field from ONE User - All Users have same Profile
Scenario: If I had a Custom Profile / Standard Profile, say Sales,and I have 50 Users assigned to the same Profile and had same Permission / Access on a particular object (Could be Standard or Custom Object), if I were to Hide a Field ONLY TO ONE USER, which would be a better Solution to achieve this WITHOUT EDITING OR TOUCHING THE PROFILE??
Example: I have a Custom object called "Commission" . I have a Profile Sales and there are 50 Users Assigned to this Profile. This Custom Object has an Comission Amount Field and out of these 50 Users who have the same profile, I want to hide this Field only from ONE PARTICULAR USER. How do I achieve this?
May 2, 2017 at 11:04 am
We use WP User Manager By Alessandro Tesoro to restrict access based on individual users, user roles, and/or all logged in users. I use the shortcode when my form generates a post. Maybe this will let you do what you want.
Discussion closed.