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How can I continue multipage form in a new template?


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Got a multipage form that starts on a page with content. And I'd like to run following pages in a template with no content (to keep visitors away from any kind of distractions). Is there any built in way to do that? Couldn't find anything in settings or when googling.

Worst case scenario, I could hide rest of it with JS, but not a hacky way would be awesome.


Formidable operates within the form, not a page level. While WordPress does allow for dynamic page templates, I'm just not sure how you would accomplish this on a multi-page form.

The only indication I can see that shows what page you are on is the classes for the frm_form_fields div. They change with the page. For example, when on page 1, the classes are frm_form_fields frm_page_num_1, for page 2 they are frm_form_fields frm_page_num_2, etc.

You could use a combination of jQuery and CSS to hide the text. This jQuery will return true if you're on page 1:

var myVar = jQuery("form").find('div.frm_form_fields').hasClass('frm_page_num_1');

So if myVar = false, add a CSS class to hide the content. If myVar = true, remove any extra classes that you've added.

I see. Just wanted to make sure there is no way to start a form on one page and continue on another actual page before I go that way (js + css).


Discussion closed.