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How to show pdf forms inside user's account


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I have a website that has 2 different forms that once a user fills, it converts the form in pdf using the plugin Pro2PDF.

I also have a "My Account" page that shows the user's info such as name, address, phone number etc etc..

Is there a way to show the User's pdf forms on the same page? If yes, how can I achieve this? Can I have the forms appear as a list and as links so that when the user clicks on them it shows the pdf forms?

Thank you for your help.

I would love to know the answer to this as well!

Actually there is.

There is a Javascript library called PDF.js that is capable of drawing the PDF on a HTML canvas, so on a canvas in a DIV on your account page. You can place it where you want.

But opening the PDF in a separte browser window is a lot easier..(!).


Thanks Theo!

i don’t mind if the PDF doesn’t open on the same page.. I mean it’s ok if it opens on a new window..

however i dont know how to display the links for the forms created..

let me know if I am not clear :)


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