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Is frm_eighth deprecated with Update 3.0.01?


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Hello, my forms using the frm_eighth seem to have lost their formatting after the recent update.  Is there any way I can still use that spacing? It was perfect for my form needs.


of course, just go to "Global Settings" and check "Do not use CSS Grids for Form layouts"

Sorry, but I don't see that under my "Global Settings" as shown in the snippet.  What am I missing here?

Also, I don't want to mess other formatting up (I have lots of forms) so if I disable CSS grids on the "global" level, will this negatively impact my other forms? I'm unsure what the CSS Grids are doing in the forms, but I had assumed they were in use for form formatting.?


In your version you have to check "Load form layout styling for old brother" is the old name.

By checking this box, you will have no problem with your forms.

You should update with version 3.0.02


By upgrading to version 3.0.02 my problem went away, without changing any of the older frm_eighth settings. But I checked and they changed to the Do not use CSS Grids for Form layouts" terminology, and it was checked by default. So that's why it works.  Thanks!

Discussion closed.