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Issue displaying embedded form with repeater


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I've got an issue when I embed a form which has a repeater section into another form.

The repeating section shows up with the fields twice. Once as preferred with the +Add button and then again below with no formatting at all. It seems like it's displaying the fields twice for no reason.

Is this a glitch or am I missing something?


Hello Jchab87 . How do you made field positions (CSS layout classes) in "Enter Part Info" Section?

I try to repeat this but I can't.

Thank You.

The fields have no CSS on them but the section I used the grid layout so that when I add more fields it appears under them without labels.

Thank you. But I still could not repeat.

I'm seeing the same issue, any advance on that?

I am facing the same issue since a week.

I have observed that the fields without conditions logic are repeated, while ones with condition logic appear below the 'Add' button.


I was in contact with support, and this is a known and actually documented limitation of embedded forms:

Embedded forms are not designed to have a repeating section, page break, or another embedded form in them. This is not something we are supporting at this time. In addition, a form cannot be embedded in the same form more than once. An embedded form cannot be placed within a section. An embedded form can't create posts.

Repeaters as well as embedded forms are terribly complex, hence this limitation.

Discussion closed.