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jQuery Autocomplete Add-On Ready for Beta Testing


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If you want to be a Beta tester for the upcoming jQuery Autocomplete Pro add-on, please visit this page for details:

Hi Victor,

I've just downloaded the beta plugin to give it a try and it's throwing the following errors when activated:

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'FrmjQAutocomHooksController' not found in /var/sites/c/ on line 298

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/sites/c/ in /var/sites/c/ on line 1210

Note: I've changed my actual URL to

I'm running the following set-up:

Formidable Pro Version 2.03.10
Wordpress Version 4.8



Download the latest version, 1.0.0b1.2

I have not been able to reproduce this error. It only happens in some environments. I've changed the way the plugin loads its assets and the other Beta testers report that it activates correctly.

Another issue that is occurring, some environments only is that the jQuery Autocom is not showing in the Pro field list until the new form is saved initially. Again, it is only some environments, in others it works perfectly. I'm still trying to nail that one down.

Hi Victor,

Thanks for the feedback.

I used the link formidable-jqautocom ver. 1.0.0b1.2 on your website which is the only link i can see.

In the read me file contained in the zip it says it's version 1.0.0b1  (not 1.0.0b1.2 as the link suggests) so do you have another link to 1.0.0b1.2?


I was rushing to get the fix out yesterday and didn't update the read me. It's the right version. you'll see the version number in the plugins list after you install it.

Hi Victor,

Ok thanks. In that case 1.0.0b1.2 was the version i tested and received the error on.


Thanks, I'll see if I can replicate the error.

In some environments, the plugin activation was failing. I was able to trace this to a spelling error in a file name. This has been fixed and beta 1.3 is ready for download. formidable-jqautocom ver. 1.0.0b1.3

Hi Victor,

The plugin now installs and activates successfully.

The next issue i found is, once activated, it stops all Formidable forms from displaying any fields as per the attached screenshot.

I tested this checking 3 forms on my site and i receive this same message on each one.

I hadn't yet got round to adding the new field to any of these forms so it seems to just do this upon activation.




I saw that once during my development and thought I had fixed it.

Thanks all for your help with the Beta. Beta2 is ready for testing. All known and reported bugs have been addressed in this release.

formidable-jqautocom ver. 1.0.0b2

Discussion closed.