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I'm looking for a developer to undertake a small project using Formidable Forms. It may turn out that the plugin cannot achieve what I'm looking to do.

I have a number of agents across the UK each one covering a specific town/postcode, each with their own profile page. The data is all in a spreadsheet. I want to allow site visitors to enter part of their postcode (Eg: AB1 or postal town) with the result being the relevant page. Is this something that can be done and if so would you please contact me at with thoughts and price.

Hi Neil,

I think there are multiple ways you could achieve this using Formidable.

Just so i've got this right, essentially what you want people to do is enter their postcode (or town name) in a field and for it to return a list of agents (with links to their pages) who are nearby or serve that area?

Look up fields would probably be your best bet but i'm sure there are some other options depending on your exact needs.

There's lots of information on how the look up fields work here:



Discussion closed.