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Lookup fiels with filter on found form entries


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I have a form that contains marketsegments, like "energy", "telecom", "insurance". I have a second form that contains companydetails and onw of the fields is a lookup of possible marketsegements from form one. Sofar ok.

Then a consumers uses a third form. In this form the consumer registers the consument personal data and the consumer is enabled to select a company in a certain marketsegment.

So, in the form three I use marketsegment in a lookup field (from form one) and  secondly the user wants to select a company that offers products in the selected market field. Would be 100% if I could use a lookup field to look into entries of second form (companies) but with a filter that onle those company entries are sown that match the previous selected lookup field with marketsegments.

Is there a simple solution to this?

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