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mod_sec rule trigger


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I use Forms a lot and am constantly updating, improving etc. However, just recently I have been triggering a mod_sec rule with my hosting provider which produces a 403 forbidden access response. They have been able to get this repaired/disabled but I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this? It only happens with Formidable and is getting very annoying.

Any thoughts?



I've seen it with WordFence installed and Ajax enabled in Formidable. The save action needs to be Whitelisted. Are you using any kind of firewall on your site?

I do have Wordfence installed but not Ajax enabled in Formidable. Do you know how I can whitelist  the save action ?

Normally when I get the message, WordFence gives me a popup and asks to whitelist the transaction. All I do is click the button. I suggest testing the WordFence theory thought. Deactivate WordFence completely and see if the problem still exists. If it does, then WordFence isn't to blame and there's something else going on at the server level. You'll need to contact your host to help resolve the issue permanently.

I think that's a good suggestion. I have taken Wordfence off and will see what happens. Many thanks.

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