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Move description to tooltip
Install the simple tooltips plugin.
Change your html in form settings for the field.
<div id="frm_field_[id]_container" class="frm_form_field form-field [required_class][error_class]">
<label for="field_[key]" class="frm_primary_label">[field_name]
<span class="frm_required">[required_label]</span>
[if description][simple_tooltip content='[description]']<img class="tooltip" src=""/>[/simple_tooltip][/if description]
[if error]<div class="frm_error">[error]</div>[/if error]
December 8, 2015 at 10:16 am
Hi I tested this. The tooltip is showing up but without any css. Any idea how I can target the css?
Discussion closed.