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Still reading through a lot of the documentation but I think Formidable Pro will work for my need.

Client has 30 forms he needs created, these are workouts. The user has an account and selects which workout they are going to do. Complete the workout and fill out the form for that workout. That's all easy enough to make those 30 forms and have the users signup for an account.

But then the client needs to have views where he has a wide range of search capabilities. Date range, user(s), user age... things like that as well as being able to pull data from any or all of the 30 forms to be able to compare the data. Example: Male users, 21 years old, that achieved a score of XYZ or higher on workout form 10 ... show me their average score on workout form 24. And so on where he can show the relationship between those forms.

He wants to log a huge amount of data from a large group of people and be able to go back and make sense of the data as a whole, not per individual form.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


To see everything as a "whole" for 30 forms with potentially thousands (maybe tens or hundreds of thousands depending on the returned number of entries matching the search) of pieces of data (fields) in one query, you will need a beast of a server. Has that been considered?

Yes we're very carefully building out the forms and views to optimize them. They have the ability to spend a good chunk of money on servers should that be necessary too.

I suppose they could potentially filter it to see everything as a whole, but in all likelihood they would want to see and compare 2, 3....maybe 4 pieces across that many forms.

They want to find people that match the criteria they're looking for. And then when that list is whittled down be able to click on that person and populate a view with that user and the data they searched for.

Date range, age, and gender filled out --> filter results where Workout 1 scored > 5 --> filter those down where Workout 5 scored between 80 and 90 --> filter that down one more time where workout 22 scored > 3. That would give the list of say 10 people. They click on person 1 and get a view for that person showing the results from what they filtered to get exact numbers. Like....
Person 1, 19 years old, male, Workout 1 = 9, Workout 5 = 83, Workout 22 = 3.15

But I want those step-by-step filters to be dependent on each other and such that the client could choose workouts 1 thru 30 in the first filter, and 1 thru 30 in the second filter, and 1 thru 30 thru the third filter.

Or they could even filter it down within a workout...

where Workbook5 Option 1 >5 and Workbook5 Option 2 >8 and Workbook5 Option3 = 10

It's going to be about how well you implement your parameters between page clicks. It's hard to envision the queries and what types of results those will return. Can you make and provide a public form?

Sorry for the delay, I've been playing with Formidable Pro and built out the first form. It needs styling still but you can follow it.

The admin would have access to the form to input values for any of the players. Players will have access when logged in to fill out workouts for themselves.

I have the form pull registered player names, when selected, it auto populates their level which is set in the user profile.

The form above is an example of 1 of the forms. It's a bullpen session for baseball. The player comes in and throws a 30 pitch session, required to throw 4-seam fastballs only in this case, record ball/strike and velocity for each pitch. Because we as admins will be interested in seeing total balls/strikes and average velocities I added fields that calculate that on this page so on reports/views we can simply retrieve these values and not have to search and do the math on them.

Now on the admin side, now that you see this form hopefully it makes more sense. But I'd like the admin to be able to choose the player Level, and find who threw the fastest 4-seam fastball, what that velocity was, and the date they did it. The same for other pitches, other bullpen sessions will involve more pitches as the players advance. Will have something similar for hitting and fielding workouts. I also want to be flexible enough the admin could pick a date range, and a player level (optional), and display the players based on pitch efficiency (strike to ball ratio) from each of their workouts as well as velocity, or simply to click on a player, then click on Bullpen Session 1, and get a list of workouts they did for this, click on one and have it load what they entered on that day/workout. We want to chart how individuals progress over time and to be able to see how the top players at each level are performing so we can look for patterns and put real numbers and results to the training we put them through. Possibly a line graph for a player over time their efficiency and velocities for various pitches.

I know this is a lot and isn't something we expect to complete overnight. But I really like the Wordpress platform and if Formidable can get me what I need I'd much rather go this route than to custom program and maintain something else.

With this many fields for 1 person submitting 1 workout, I anticipate we will be a couple thousand fields added each day.... so hundreds of thousands over the course of a year between all workout and all players.

Am I asking too much of Formidable?

I don't have experience with huge databases so I hope someone else can chime in on FP/WP performance. I do believe if your design is carefully thought out and adopted to what FP can provide, you can get this to work.

Discussion closed.