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Offline Form Sync


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Good day, anyone succesffully implemented a form which can save entries somewhere say browser when internet is offline, and submit when internet is available.  I am using formidable form for a responsive site where users login, submit info then logout. most of their areas don't have internet so was wondering if this is possible and whether anyone has successfully implemented this.

"most of their areas don't have internet"

How will they reach the site to access the form in the first place?

Modern browser's have the capability of storing data using 4 different methods. You can use cookies, session or local storage, and even indexed db.

Can Formidable use browser storage out of the box? No. Formidable is designed to work with the WordPress database. While it's conceivable to use browser storage, you'd have to build your own infrastructure to handle the I/O. Such an infrastructure would have to be built using jQuery, React, or other JavaScript based library since it would all be browser based. Much of Fomidable's functionality is server based, executed in PHP. With no Internet connection, you couldn't use any PHP.

A project like this would be daunting. The search form on uses browser storage to persist its search criteria across the site. This means if you move from page to page, the last search criteria you executed will still be present on the form. This form is not built with Formidable though. This is a custom form I built manually because at the time I built it years ago, Formidable didn't have features necessary to meet my customer's requirements. You could use Formidable for this form today however.

Discussion closed.