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Redirect using input value in URL


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I have added a field where you enter a code and when you press submit it redirects to URL where the end of url I want to add the inputed value. Entry Key, Entry ID, none of those are the entered value. What do I use so it pulls what was typed in??

I must be missing something easy as I would think pulling the entered test would be a basic function.




Hi Becky,

I think I can help. In the form's settings you'll want to select "Redirect to URL". Then, in the URL field you need to put in your url, plus the shortcode for the field value you want to include in the URL.

For example (where x is the ID of your field):[x]

This will produce a result like, where "12345" is the value of field x.

You can automatically insert the shortcode from the settings screen - look to the right-hand side of the screen and you will see tabs for Fields, Conditionals, and Advanced. Look on the Fields tab for a list of your form fields and their ids/shortcodes.

Hope this helps.


Discussion closed.