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Register and login


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Detail 1: I have a login form with a login button but there is no button to register.
Solution : Create a login page and in text mode, paste the following code that you adapt according to your need:

[frm-login remember="0" redirect=""]
<p style="text-align: center;"><a title="Register" href=""><input type="submit" value="REGISTER" style="height:40px; width:100%; -webkit-border-radius:4px; font-size:15px; background:#ed811c" /></a></p>

Detail 2: I have a registration form and I want to differentiate triggered notifications when creating and editing.
Solution : A hidden User ID field is blank when creating, so just use the conditional test in the notification. Here is an example of a notification message (Replace 1228 with the ID of your User ID hidden field:

<p>[if 1288]Hello[/if 1288][if 1288 equals=""]Welcome[/if 1288],</p>

[if 1288]
<p>We inform you that the modification of your personal information has been taken into account.</p>
[/if 1288]
[if 1288 equals=""]
<p>You have just created your account on [sitename] and we congratulate you.</p>
[/if 1288]

Detail 3: After an update, I want it to appear a message and that an automatic redirection to an URL is triggered.
Solution : In settings forms --> General --> Message, put in the "Updates" field:

Your data has been updated.
<script>'', '_parent');

Here are some suggestions, there may be other ways to achieve your goals.

Requires beta version 2.0rc1 of the "User Registration" add-on here

Detail 4: I have a registration form and I would like to add a Cancel button
Solution : In settings forms --> Customize HTML --> Send button , add the code below, just before the tag </ div>

<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)"><input type="button" value="Cancel" class="frm_submit"></a>

Clicking the cancel button will return you to the previous page but you can put the URL of your choice.

Detail 1 (Suggested by Jamie) : I have a login form with a login button but there is no button to register.
Solution : Create a login page and in text mode, paste the following code that you adapt according to your need:

[frm-login remember="0" redirect=""]
<div class="with_frm_style frm_style_style-formidable"><div class="frm_submit"><button class="frm_button_submit" type="button" onclick="window.location.href=''">REGISTER</button></div></div>

where: frm_style_style-formidable is the style name that you find in the Style tab of FP, at the bottom.

where: onclick="window.location.href=''" is what I inserted to add the link

Thanks so much for taking the time to post what you've worked through. Have a great weekend!

We can all share a piece of code, each one at own level and maybe one day he will help someone. This plugin is a great innovation, a small marvel!!

I just used the cancel button, worked perfectly!

Discussion closed.