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Registration: Password Requirement
Your plugin is awesome!
It would be great to get an instant feedback if your entered password requires several requirements (see screenshot).
I managed to do some by adding an HTML field [id=77] with the following code:
#frm_field_77_container {
display: none;
line-height: 1;
box-shadow:0 1px 3px #ccc;
border:1px solid #ddd;
margin-left: 0
#frm_field_77_container>p {
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#frm_field_77_container>p#ok {
display: none
.invalid {
background:url(../images/invalid.png) no-repeat 0 50%;
.valid {
background:url(../images/valid.png) no-repeat 0 50%;
<p id="capital" class="invalid">At least <strong>one capital letter</strong></p>
<p id="length" class="invalid">Be at least <strong>8 characters</strong></p>
<p id="equal" class="invalid"><strong>must be equal</strong></p>
<p id="ok" class="valid"><strong>Password OK!</strong></p>
<p id="letter" class="invalid">At least <strong>one letter</strong></p>
<p id="number" class="invalid">At least <strong>one number</strong></p> -->
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
/*Check Password*/
$('input#field_password, input#field_conf_password').keyup(function() {
var pswd = $('input#field_password').val();
var confpswd = $('input#field_conf_password').val();
var lengthOK;
var capitalOK;
var matchOK;
//validate the length
if ( pswd.length < 8 ) {
var lengthOK = false;
} else {
var lengthOK = true;
//validate capital letter
if ( pswd.match(/[A-Z]/) ) {
var capitalOK = true;
} else {
var capitalOK = false;
if ( pswd == confpswd && pswd !== "") {
var matchOK = true;
} else {
var matchOK = false;
if (lengthOK && capitalOK && matchOK) {
} else {
//validate number NOT WORKING
/*if ( pswd.match(/d/) ) {
} else {
//validate letter
if ( pswd.match(/[A-z]/) ) {
} else {
}).focus(function() {
}).blur(function() {
Feel free to use this code, if you plan to implement this feature
You'll find a great tutorial for this purpose here:
Discussion closed.