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Reset (Delete) entry button


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I have created a form front-end editing enabled for my users to submit status reports. However when there's no warnings from users I want the view to display the no entries message in views.

So I'm guessing I'll need a reset/delete button next to the submit/Update button to reset everything. Hope this is clear enough. If not I'll record a video tomorrow. It's pretty late here in the UK now.

Hi Mark,

Just to make sure i understand the question correctly:

Users can submit questions / problems using the form but need to be able to delete them once the issues have been resolved?

Do end users have access to the view to see the outstanding issues?

If so you could achieve this in a few ways.

One way would be to have a hidden field in the form called 'STATUS'.

By default the status could be set to 'unresolved' and you can use the frm-entry-update-field link to give users the ability to change the status to 'Solved'.

If you filter the view to only show the 'unresolved' issues then they won't see the entry once it's been marked as solved.

That way you still have a record of all of the issues submitted and solved.

Would that help you achieve what you need?



Discussion closed.