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Select Mail Recipient From User-selected Drop Down


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We needed a way to allow a user to select their project manager from a drop down list and divert the email notification to that project manager when the remaining details were submitted.

I wanted to post my results because as I look around the support forums I wasn't able to find a method that didn't involve special customized coding - and I managed to do it with built in functions of FormdiablePro

To set it up, I created a dropdown and in the field options I enabled "Use separate values"

For the dropdown options the managers name was in the 'left' and the email in the 'right' column. This allowed the user to see the managers' name when viewing the form but save the email value. For this example, I gave the dropdown a key of "project-manager-email"

Finally, in the "emails" setting tab I set the recipient address to [project-manager-email] but that didn't work...

To get the emails to send to the VALUE of the dropdown list, I needed to add a small attribute to the code. This is what ended up working to set email recipient to dropdown selection : [project-manager-email show="value"]

I hope this helps someone in the future. I love formidable and use it in so many ways. This is just one more way our clients are able to leverage the power of such a cool plugin.

Discussion closed.