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I have created a form where our visitors can request a proposal. I added a hiddenfield with the auto-id function so each request has a unique number. The mail with detailled information from the form ends up in our (info)mailbox. So far so good. Now I would like to make sure that my salesreps do get an equal share of the leads so I would like to "assign"a lead to a salesrep (email). So for example if I have 3 reps I would like to have request 1 go to A, request 2 go to B, request 3 go to C, request 4 go to A, request 5 go to B etc.
I suppose I can do a calculation with the unique request nr where I use a calculation like MOD(UniqueNr;3) to calculate a 2,1 or 0. At least that is what i worked out in excel, but I have no clue how to manage this with the form?
I am not a developper but possibly you can help me (maybe even with a much simpeler method)
Thanks in advance.
Jan Peter
Discussion closed.