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Slider - Setting Default Number Value (Version 3.0.01)


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I've inserted a slider field with a number range between 0 (zer0) and 4 which conditionally shows when "Yes" is selected on the radio button field above it. The slider is set all the way to the left (assuming it is zero), which I've confirmed in the published version of the form - when I select "Yes" on the radio button, the slider appears and is set to zero.

The problem arises when the slider remains conditionally hidden and its value is used in a calculated number field. For whatever reason, when the slider is hidden it defaults to 2. When the slider is shown, its value goes to zero. Therefore, if the values of 2 hidden sliders are added their sum equals 4, when it should be zero. Any help would be appreciated!

When the cursor is hidden, it takes the median value (from 0 to 50 median value = 25). Actually its value should be zero and you should report this problem on the Formidable forum.

in the meantime, I suggest you use an intermediate text field and you default it to the value of the cursor. This text field must follow the same display logic as that of the slider. Then you do not take into account the value of the slider but that of the text field. When the slider is hidden, the text field is also hidden and in this case, the value of the text field is null.

Discussion closed.