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String Length


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Can anyone tell me how I can calculate the length of a text string that can be used in a calculated field? For example, If someone enters their name, I need to use the length of their name (number of characters), times a certain value to determine an amount. ie, "Fred" would be 4 characters * 0.50 or "Michael" would be 7 characters time 0.50. Apparently you can't just use [89].length or Length([89]).


The easiest way with jQuery is $('#selector').val().length

Can you please provide an example? I assume I put this in the HTML "after" section? Then I need some code to update the calculated field?

The code would be something like this. Obviously, I can't test it because I don't have access to your site, but this should at least get you started in the right direction:

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
"use strict";
$("#field_xxxx").on('change', function() {
var strlen, amt;
strlen = $('#field_xxxx').val().length;
amt = strlen * .50;
$('#field2_xxxx').val( amt );

Awesome - thank you!

Counting the characters in a string seems like a pretty common feature that should really be included as part of the core code if anyone at formidable is listening.

I appreciate your help.

Discussion closed.