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Text Boxes Cannot Input Type


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So on one of my forms, it will not allow anyone to type in the text field. I have several forms on my website on various pages, all are working fine. Yet on one of my forms for a luncheon, the text fields are unusable. It will either not let you type at all or if you start typing, it will open up a new email with my email address in the send to box. Anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing this?

I've tried to create a new form using a default template and it still has this quirky behavior. If you click on a text box on the front in, it will open up a new email with my email. I'm assuming it's pulling my email because I'm the admin for the site. If I click and hold into a text box I can continue typing. I would think if it's a plugin conflict it would occur on all of my forms.

I also checked to see if I had a duplicate shortcode causing the glitch, but I don't.

You do not necessarily have to click in a text box. Anywhere on any particular field will solicit an email.

Update: It looks like it is in conflict with X Theme, particularly Cornerstone. When I use the shortcode on a page without Cornerstone it works fine. That may ultimately be the solution, although it would be great if it worked with Cornerstone.

Discussion closed.