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This value must be unique (ID)


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I have a form that visitors fill in.

If more than 1 person fills in the form at the same time, the other users get the message

'There was a problem with your submission. Errors are marked below.


This value must be unique."

Is there a way that the form can be submitted by multiple people. The ID field in question is of the form


it is "single line text", unique, read only. it takes its value as a "dynamic value" as "17-[dcrxra]"   where [dcrxra] is an auto_increment field with value "[auto_id start=1]"

I do this as the ID field needs to be reset each year, so this year it starts at 17-001 and auto increments up.

Next year it starts at 18-001

The abstract_id field needs to be able to be edited at later date.

Any ideas? (apart from making the abstract_id NOT unique?)

Discussion closed.