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tinymce failing to load on one form


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This is bizarre, I have two forms, both of which are the same except for the names I have given the forms and the fields, except one loads up the tnymce for the rich text field and the other one doesn't.

I've switched themes and the problem persists. I've deleted all additional javascript from the page, same result.

I could understand it not working on both, but this has me scratching my head a bit...

Recently re-installed everything, because of the previous error I had, so I doubt it has anything to do with that and again, if it was this I would expect it to fail on both forms.

Does anyone have any ideas?

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: tinymce
Eval Code
(anonymous function) — jquery.js:2:2656
globalEval — jquery.js:2:2663
Ha — jquery.js:3:21273
replaceWith — jquery.js:3:24149
success — formidable.min.js:18:107
i — jquery.js:2:27455
fireWith — jquery.js:2:28215
y — jquery.js:4:22733
c — jquery.js:4:26927

Discussion closed.