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Twilio > Formidable > Create Entry


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Would I need to get the formidable api add-on in order to have Twilio create an entry?

I am trying to do 3 different things.

1.The first thing is be able to display a list of voicemail .mp3s with their transcriptions on a wordpress post/page

2.The second thing I am trying to do is take orders via Twilio and have twilio send the data to the appropriate ordering form to generate a new order.

3. Then I want to have Twilio be able to check different form entry fields for information, order status, product availability.

For instance, a customer texts " What is the status of my order #12345?"

Twilio gets Formidable order status and replies " It has been delivered and is on it's way"

I would investigate Zapier integration instead of the API. I think it will give you the flexibility you need. One of my clients tried using the Formidable API with Twilio and it wouldn't work because the Twilio API requires the request to be formatted differently than what the API can send. There's also a Twilio add-on but it may be too restrictive for your needs.

Discussion closed.