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Unwanted field at the top of my form


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At the top of all forms I create, there is a blank field that I cannot get rid of. A screen shot is attached.


Barney Poston


Use your browser's inspection tool to see if the field is coming from Formidable or not. The image is not helpful because it doesn't allow us to examine your source code.

Thanks. I looked at the developer code in Chrome but it is all greek to me. Would you mind taking a look?

Thanks in advance.


Barney Poston

The field that you see is:

input type="text" class="frm_hidden" id="frm_verify" name="frm_verify" value=""

It appears that you using a custom style sheet where a lot of Formidable's base classes have been removed, frm_hidden being one of them. Not only that, but your style sheet's minification is broken. I compared your style style against Formidable's delivered version in my development environment. I ran both style sheets through CSS Tidy to restore them to readable code. Your style sheet has 1,479 lines of code, whereas the delivered style sheet has 3,022 lines of code. You are missing more than half of the style sheet. I can't tell you how that happened or why, but it is likely due to a customization that went wrong. Unless someone else chimes in with a better idea, I suggest you reinstall the latest version of Formidable through FTP to see if it restores what's missing.

You also have broken HTML on your form starting with

<div class="frm_description"><p><strong><font color="red">* indicates required fields</font></p>

You have an opening strong tag without the closing tag. This causes the closing div tag to break along with other elements on the page. The font tag is deprecated. You should be using CSS classes to manage color.

You've got another broken div here:

<div class="frm_description"><font color="blue">Select number of players applying</div>

And finally, you have a h2 tag wrapped inside of a h3.

<h3 class="frm_pos_top frm_section_spacing"><h2><strong><font color="blue">Player 1 Information</font></strong></h2></h3>


First I want to thank you for the work you put into this issue. You were very generous to take the time required to help us.

I have found through testing that the cause of the extra field at the top of our form is due to use of the preview feature. The page that I sent you to, is preview mode. Our webmaster, a volunteer, is reluctant to do any extra work. So far he refuses to put the form on a regular page of our website. I have created a page and inserted the form then published and, wala. the unwanted field is gone.

The fact that our webmaster is using preview mode is probably some of the reason for the missing lines of code that you noted above.

The other problems are probably due to our ignorance of HTML and CSS coding. I'm 80 years of age and am trying to pass this job off to the new webmaster. I don't want to tic him off or he'll up and quit on me.

Thanks again for your help.

Barney Poston


Barney Poston

Thanks for the update Barney. Perhaps you should consider a Website Care Plan:

I am adding this for any other users with the same issue. I had a random box appear before all forms.

AVADA theme with Formidable forms, I had to put the following in the HEADER.php file. For some reason, the Avada Theme took out some CSS. So I reload it onto the pages. The DOMAINNAME is obviously your site name.

<link rel='stylesheet' id='frm_fonts-css' href='http://DOMAINNAME/wp-content/plugins/formidable/css/frm_fonts.css?ver=2.03.10' type='text/css' media='all' />

I compared my Admin Source Code VS regular public webpage, as my Admin view was giving the correct view.

Very strange that Avada rips out some CSS.


Discussion closed.