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Updated form will not publish


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I have updated a form I need for our website that has conditional logic in it in several places. When I preview the form in a blank page, it works perfectly and the conditional fields are hidden until the correct action prompts them to be displayed.  However, on the actual website, all of the fields display - even the conditional ones that should be hidden.

Plus, one field I added that has a calculation associated with it does NOTHING on my actual website. Works perfectly in preview.  I've cleared my cache.  That doesn't help.

Same form multiple times?

Can you post a link to the page with the form so we can take a look? It's hard to diagnose a problem without seeing and looking for code errors. Without a look, it's just a guessing game.

We can't access wp-admin without login credentials. All we need access to is the form on the front-end page. Using built-in browser tools, we can see errors and look for anomalies. What should be be looking for?

Conditional logic on form does not work in 3 fields. Works fine in preview on forms plug-in. Thanks.

Everything is working fine for me in Chrome. Press ctrl+f5 on your keyboard to do a browser cache update. It might also be something that you have to wait out in the server you access the website from, if they do server caching.

It works for me as well in Firefox on a mac.

I contacted our website host and it turns out that another user had updated another plug-in that was causing the conflict and they fixed it. Thanks, everyone!

Discussion closed.